
0x70...f086 (copy)

in the digital world of the Binance Smart Chain...

A young Arabian Dragon emerged, propelled by a fervent quest to unearth its veiled treasures. Throughout his odyssey, he accrued great wealth, yet his spirit yearned to bestow these riches upon the supportive community…

With gratitude and resolve, the Arabian Dragon vowed to utilize his fortune for the betterment of others within the Binance Smart Chain ecosystem. He recognized that genuine wealth stemmed not from amassing riches, but from the benevolent act of giving back to those who supported his journey.

tax distribution:

5% Marketing, Development & Stunts & Competitions

Total Supply:


Automatic LP:

Liquidity pool injection locked for 6 months to ensure token stability

Smart contract:

Renounced & audited by SolidProof

dev kyc:

Development team KYC verification passed